How to Store Furniture in a Shipping Container

Andre L. McCain

Updated on:

A shipping container can be a great storage option for furniture, provided that the furniture is properly prepared and the container is well-suited to the task. Shipping containers are typically made of steel, which makes them durable and weather-resistant. They’re also designed to be stackable, so they can be easily loaded onto a truck or ship.

  • Choose the right size shipping container
  • You’ll need to decide how much furniture you have and what size shipping container will accommodate it all
  • Clean your furniture before storing it
  • This will help keep your furniture in good condition while it’s in storage
  • Wrap your furniture in blankets or plastic wrap to protect it from scratches and dust
  • Stack your furniture in the shipping container, starting with the heaviest pieces first
  • Place any smaller pieces of furniture on top of the larger ones for stability
  • Cover your furniture with a tarp or sheet to protect it from moisture and weather damage while in storage
How to Store Furniture in a Shipping Container


Can Furniture Be Stored in a Shipping Container?

Yes, furniture can be stored in a shipping container. There are a few things to keep in mind when doing so, such as ensuring that the furniture is dry and protected from moisture, as well as protecting it from extremes of temperature. Shipping containers are also typically quite dark inside, so it is important to consider how this will affect the furniture.

If the furniture is made of wood, for example, it may suffer from discoloration over time.

How Do You Pack Furniture in a Shipping Container?

When you are ready to pack your furniture into a shipping container, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that all of the legs and bases of your furniture are securely fastened. You don’t want anything shifting during transit and damaging your belongings.

secondly, if possible, disassemble any large pieces of furniture so that they fit more easily into the container. This will also help to protect them from damage during shipping. Once everything is secured and/or disassembled, start loading your furniture into the container.

Be sure to place heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top. If you have any fragile items, be sure to wrap them carefully and place them in the center of the container where they will be less likely to shift during transit. once everything is loaded, give the container a quick sweep to make sure nothing was left behind, then close up the doors and secure them for shipping.

And that’s it! With a little planning ahead, packing your furniture into a shipping container is easy and stress-free.

What Should You Not Store in a Shipping Container?

When it comes to storing items in a shipping container, there are certain things you should avoid putting inside. Here are four items you should not store in a shipping container:

1. Perishable food items: If you’re planning on storing food items in your shipping container, make sure they are non-perishable.

Otherwise, they will go bad quickly and become unusable.

2. Chemicals: Some chemicals can be dangerous if stored in a confined space like a shipping container. Others may simply leak and cause damage to your belongings.

Either way, it’s best to avoid storing any kind of chemical in a shipping container.

3. Valuables: Shipping containers are not the most secure place to store valuables. If you must store them in a shipping container, make sure you hide them well and consider getting insurance for them.

4. Hazardous materials: Obviously, you should never store any kind of hazardous material in a shipping container (or anywhere else). This includes flammable liquids, explosives, and toxic substances.

How Much Furniture Fits in a Shipping Container?

A 20-foot shipping container can typically hold one bedroom’s worth of furniture, including a mattress set, dresser, nightstands, and occasional chairs. Larger items such as couches and dining room tables may need to be broken down into smaller pieces to fit. If you’re trying to figure out how much furniture will fit in specific container size, the best way is to lay everything out in a floor plan and see what fits within the dimensions.

Shipping Container Condensation Solutions

What Not to Store in Shipping Containers

When it comes to storage, shipping containers are a great option. They’re weatherproof, durable, and can be easily transported. However, there are some things you shouldn’t store in a shipping container.

Here’s a look at four items that are better off in another type of storage unit:

1. Food While shipping containers are airtight and waterproof, they’re not designed for storing food.

The lack of ventilation can cause food to spoil quickly, and the metal walls can cause condensation which can lead to mold growth. If you need to store food for an extended period of time, your best bet is to use a fridge or freezer.

2. Electronics Electronics are sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, so it’s important to store them in an environment that is climate-controlled. Shipping containers can get very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter, which can damage your electronics. If you must store electronics in a shipping container, be sure to wrap them in plastic or bubble wrap to protect them from the elements.

3. Furniture Furniture is also sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, so it’s important to store it in a climate-controlled environment. Shipping containers can get very hot or cold, which can cause wood furniture to warp or crack.

In addition, the lack of ventilation can cause musty odors to build up inside the container which can transfer onto your furniture. If possible, disassemble your furniture before storing it in a shipping container (elevate legs off the floor) and cover it with blankets or sheets..


If you’re moving or need to store extra furniture, using a shipping container is a great option. Shipping containers are sturdy and weatherproof, so your furniture will be protected from the elements. Plus, they’re easy to load and transport.

Here’s how to store furniture in a shipping container: 1. Choose the right size shipping container. If you’re storing large pieces of furniture, you’ll need a larger container.

For smaller items, a smaller container will suffice. 2. Clean your furniture before storage. This will help prevent dirt and dust from accumulating inside the container.

3. Wrap your furniture in plastic or blankets. This will further protect your furniture from dirt and dust while in storage. 4. Place heavy items on the bottom of the container and lighter items on top.

This will help prevent Furniture from shifting during transport.  5Loadthecontainerfrom back to front. This way, you won’t have to reach over any furniture when storing or retrieving items.

6 Usepallets if necessary. If you’re worried about moisture damage, place your furniture on pallets inside the container. 7 Label everything.

Once everything is loaded into the container, label each item with its contents and destination( if applicable ).

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